Random Musing

Camping, Sushi, and Funny People
Aug 5, 2009 | 0 comments

So I went camping to Grand Bend over the long weekend for a short 2 days 1 night and as a first timer for the great outdoor, it wasn't all that bad. Minus all the mosquito bites, the icky feeling, no plumbing or electricity, no internet, no fastfood, just the great outdoor and what nature has to offer, not too too bad I guess. The day started with hunnie and I waking up late and had to make a dash out the door. Luckily, we packed most of the things we needed the night before. In total, there were about 10 people but only 3 girls. Such a sausage fest really. lol The drive took about 2 hours since we had to stop by Shoppers but they're not opened till 9 and the employees inside refuse to open it half an hour early. Jackie decided to to show his new way that gets us there half an hour faster. The convo went something like this:

Jackie: Turn left right here. I know this, its so much shorter. I've been through here so many times.
Hunnie: Uh...ok Jack, as long as you know cause I've never been here before.
Jackie: Don't worry, I'll know when I get there......hopefully

Yeah very reassuring, no? lol

A bit of warning for people that go to Grand Bend and decide to use the private beaches at Pinery Park, don't ever go to lot 6. The walk there is horrible. I forgot to take pictures but between the parking lot and the beach there is a steep sandy hill that you have to go across. It wouldn't be so bad if the sand was more compact instead of beach sand.

In all honesty, Grand Bend isn't exactly a favourite of mine, just for the fact that there are lots of 'Do not swim' and 'E-coli infested water' signs all over the place. It really makes one wonder if its really safe to just jump in there.

The guys took turns trying to pump this boat up with just a tiny hand pump. David kept on saying that he has a really good pump in the car and he would go get it. Finished pumping and he still didn't bother with getting his 'awesome five minute' pump.

Group shot! Don't mind the thumb. Right after this, hunnie decided that he wants to get swim trunks since his shorts are now all wet. So we both went out to get our swim wear since we decided not to bring any. Yeah I know, wth are you going to the beach for if you weren't going to swim? It took us over an hour just to make it back out onto the main strip cause of crazy traffic and everyone wanting to head off to the main beach. Hunnie pretty much got ripped for his trunks, since guys can go as cheap as $8 according to the one Benny was wearing. LOL Hunnie's was $45. Mine took a while to find since there wasn't a small. I finally found a cute two piece but the bottom being a small and the top being a large. Thank god it fitted. While we were shopping for our beachware, back at the beach...
Now here's where all the fun began since the guys decided to try and all ride the boat fit for two.

Notice how he's pretty much taken up half of the boat.

In talk of how to fit them all in. Now lets see how this progresses.

First attempt fail. Now second

Yes! 4 out of 6! We're almost there now...

Now let's try 5 out of 6...

FAIL! Well at least they tried.
Now not only girls, but guys like to tan themselves as well.

Now how does my hunnie tans himself?

He doesn't. His wish is to be as pale as Robert Pattinson in Twilight. Well not really, but tanning is something he would like to avoid at all cost.

Jackie's sand spider that he's oh so proud of that he wanted us to snap a million pics of. lol Him and Arianne also made a horse but its on her camera. I'll snag it from her later on. Another fun sand art my hunnie and Benny made that totally overshadowed Arianne's sand castle.

My hunnie finally decided to bare all.

He's been working out. Can you tell?
While lounging around we saw these neat birds running along the beach.

Very fast little thing. I thought they might be woodpeckers but highly doubt it.
Sadly, everyone forgot to take pics of the campsite, so no camp pictures.
Now couple shots!

I was happy that I found a nice looking bikini, since I thought it'd be crappy and overpriced.

After the camp trip, we double dated and went out with hunnie's friends for sushi over in Kitchener to a new place called Sushi Star. There is another location over in Hamilton as well. Since eating 'a la carte' would not be enough, we decided for the popular all you can eat. Overall it was pretty good, so I'll see how long this quality will last. lol

Spider roll.

Unagi sushi. I forgot to snap it when it first came out. I liked the taste of it, but nothing special. Chicken skewers right on the left of it. Those were pretty good, surprisingly since I'm not that big on skewers.

Dragon roll. Really good. Since the place doesn't offer any other type of dragon rolls, which was a bummer since I love Red and Green Dragon. Still a lot better than what Ye's right down the street has to offer.

The servings were nice and right. Although I found it amusing that when we only ordered 5 slices of sashimi, the slices were small and thin, when we decided to have another order but 10 instead, they were big chunks. lol Delicious either way. We finished our fun filled weekend with the movies.

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